The Debate: lively CEMA event generates 75 minute Q and A session

January 26, 2015

Participants in the September 13 four-party CEMA debate between MPPs Greg Sorbara (Liberal), Tim Hudak (PC) Michael Prue (NDP) and Green Party candidate Bruce Hearns were kept busy with questions on subjects ranging from funding of faith-based schools to accreditation of foreign professions to taxation of newspapers published at intervals longer than one week.

To their credit, none of the politicos ducked a question, and during the 75 minute Q and A session the cut and thrust of argument between Sorbara, Hudak and Prue became animated several times. Hearns made his points solidly, frequently warning of the need for the acceptance of drastic changes if the environment is to be saved.

CEMA thanks the participants for their time.