BE THE FIRST to enter The Canadian Ethnic Media Association’s 46th Annual Awards for Journalistic Excellence. We thank you for participating in our very successful 45th Milestone Anniversary of last year, and look forward to the 46th celebration of our acclaimed Awards! We want you here, reflecting the industry’s abundant energy in media and technology. Show us your best stuff!
BE THE FIRST TO SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK! Beat the summer rush by getting your submissions to us by the Submission Deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 2024!
The Canadian Ethnic Media Association Awards recognize outstanding journalistic achievement in the following categories:
The annual competition continues to draw such a large and gratifying response across all categories that the jury of independent judges have declared the option to create more opportunities to celebrate the best work of so many entrants. When necessary, they may either split some categories, or choose to introduce new categories to honour the high-quality submissions that have been entered.
Learn more about our ever-evolving Categories, our Terms and Conditions, and how you can show us what you do best! For all details and to enter manually or online, visit our website: