Take your seat in Canada

February 2, 2017

This year Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary. To mark the occasion the federal government has invested $500 million in projects marking the occasion.

CEMA is partnering with “Take Your Seat Canada” in the celebration.

Randy VanDerStarren, creator of “Take Your Seat Canada” was the guest speaker at CEMA’s February 2 monthly meeting. He was introduced by CEMA's President Madeline Ziniak.

GUEST SPEAKER Randy VanDerStarren was the featured speaker at CEMA’s monthly meeting. He was introduced by CEMA’s President Madeline Ziniak.

Ziniak, in a message to CEMA’s membership says: “We are very proud to announce our partnership in Take Your Seat Canada. The voice each of us has will now have a real chance to be heard as we join together as one true mosaic.

“All of us will be united by a singular message: Canada is our home and we are very proud of it.”

To download a copy of VanDerStarren’s presentation at the CEMA’s February 2 meeting download the following link, supplied by Zoltan Maros: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ jab8ljl6af3hhdv/CEMA% 20MEETING%20VOICE%20FEB-02- 2017.wav?dl=0