A press release from Variety Crossing
Toronto, November 24, 2007 Dae-Tong Huh, President of the Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21, is proud to announce the launch of the 9th Edition of Variety Crossing, a multicultural collection of original poetry, essays and invited writings.
“Variety Crossing presents twenty four artists from different backgrounds, brought together to share the common dream of a truly multicultural community through literature and poetry,” says Mr. Huh, editor, translator and publisher of the anthology.
“The book includes work not only by such well known Canadian writers as George Elliott Clarke, Priscila Uppal, Flavia Cosma, George Fethering, Sonnet L Abbe, Bianca Lakoseliac, and Ben Viccari, but also by renowned international poets Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Hyo-Chee Moon, Suji Kwock Kim, and Kyung Whan Yoo. Having artists from a number of nationalities helps us bridge all cultural boundaries…a true Variety, a true Crossing of cultures.”
The launch of Variety Crossing, 9th Volume, will be held at 6:30 pm on Saturday, November 24, 2007 in the Music Room at Hart House, University of Toronto. Admission is Free.
The event includes readings from the book and the opportunity to meet many of the featured poets and writers. This evening program also includes a piano performance.
“Our anthology has been given generous and incredible opportunities to grow in the last nine years, most notably with support from the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Toronto, the Ontario Arts Council as well as with a generous grant from the Toronto Arts Council,” says Mr. Huh. “Together we are proving that not only can poets have a voice in their own communities, but they can also be welcomed into other communities to share their heartfelt words.”
Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 is a non-profit publishing house whose members represent aspiring and accomplished poets, writers and essayists from a diversity of backgrounds and cultures.
Contact: Dae-Tong Huh Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press Tel: (416) 222-7935 E-mail: [email protected] Website: