Ethnic media support vital to Type 2 Diabetes Awareness Program

January 26, 2015

[CLICK PHOTO TO ENLARGE: Lou Sekolovsky of CEC shows CEMA memer Csilla Reszegi diabetes info kit

CEMA’s executive is urging its members to give wide publicity to this potential hazard and make available contact information for the use of Canada’s ethnic minorities.

At the conference in Toronto organized by the Canadian Ethnocultural Council (CEC) attendees learned that young people of African, Hispanic, Asian and South Asian origin have an elevated risk of type 2 diabetes compared to the general population.

Normally, Type 2 diabetes occurs only in adults, but studies have shown that more children and youth are being diagnosed with it.

The good news, however is that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed. Steps to be taken include increased physical activity, eating healthy foods, controlling weight, reducing stress and not smoking.

Among the speakers were Dr. Shajia Khan, endocrinologist, the Ottawa Hospital, Jack Jedwab, executive director, the Association for Canadian Studies and CEC’s Sucy Eapen, project co-ordinator of the CEC initiative.

Three teenagers who have learned to live with type 2 diabetes brought a refreshing and optimistic outlook to the gathering.

CEMA member Anna Chiappa, executive director of CEC stressed the importance of ethnic media in creating awareness of this massive problem , which is reaching epidemic proportions.

Information kits are available to help editors amd producers interpret the facts about type 2 diabetes to readers, listeners and viewers.

Call Canadian Ethnocultural Council at (613) 230-3867 and ask Sucy Eapen for an information kit.  Email: [email protected]