July 4, 2019 7:00 pm
CEMA is proud to welcome Gary Anandasangaree, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, as a guest speaker, by way of ZOOM teleconferencing technology, from his offsite location in the United States. The presentation will take place Thursday, July 4, 7:00 p.m. at the Ted Rogers School of Communication, Ryerson University 80 Gould Street, downtown Toronto, in Room RCC 202. All CEMA members are invited to participate in this auspicious special edition of CEMA’s Speakers Bureau, either in person or online. Details for ZOOM teleconferencing technology follow below.
CEMA, for all of its 40-year history, has consistently maintained a robust ethnic media in Canada is an integral part of a healthy democracy. Recently the Ministry of Heritage established a panel to engage and consult on funding models for journalism. This has long been of primary concern for CEMA’s national membership, and to that end, it has placed a high degree of importance on its continuing, working relationship with Heritage Canada.
This event creates an opportunity for CEMA’s members to hear what priorities have been set by Heritage Canada, and how they may benefit from new initiatives. For those unable to attend in person, they may join the conversation by way of ZOOM technology. Here are the details:
Topic: CEMA Speaker Series: Gary Anandasangaree, MP.
Date: July 4, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Gary Anandasangaree is the Member of Parliament for Scarborough – Rouge Park and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez. Mr. Anandasangaree is an internationally recognized human rights lawyer and community activist who has advocated tirelessly for education and social justice. Prior to entering politics, Mr. Anandasangaree attended Osgoode Hall Law School, was called to the bar of Ontario in 2006, and went on to manage his own firm in Scarborough. He has been a passionate advocate for human rights issues, regularly representing Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada at the United Nations Human Rights Council. Mr. Anandasangaree came to Canada with his mother as a refugee in 1983, and has advocated for the rights of refugees throughout his adult life.
The Canadian Ethnic Media Association (CEMA)
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