Speaker Series: Seeking Ethnic Leadership… Ratna Omdivar Style…

January 26, 2015

Then come to our next SPEAKER SERIES on April 2 and learn from Ratna what’s being done in a vital project which far from being a vehicle for clichés aims for change within three years! It’s known as DiverseCity. You can click on the name to learn more.

Ratna is president of theThe Greater Toronto Leadership project,  jointly run by Maytree, a private foundation, and the Toronto City Summit Alliance.  Over three years, the project aims to transform the leadership landscape by enabling a new group of diverse leaders to emerge.

Research indicates that while the Greater Toronto Area is the most diverse region in Canada its leadership is not reflective of this reality.  The project is working actively to address this through  distinct initiatives that will strengthen our institutions, expand our networks and advance our knowledge on the role of diversity in leadership.

April 2, 2009; 6:45 pm,

Majestic Board Room, OMNI-TV

545 Lakeshore Boulevard W. (Corner Bathurst St and Lakeshore)

Free Parking at OMNI lot just east of OMNI Building on Lakeshore Blvd.