Recognizing CEMA’s 30th anniversary, the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC) gave a reception February 26th for the association’s members. The reception was arranged by Kiumars Rezvanifar, director of both CEMA and OMDC and proved an evening of great conviviality
OMDC’s mandate is to build Ontario’s cultural industries’ capacity and competitiveness. Through tax credits, programs and services for the film and television, book and magazine publishing, music and interactive digital media industries, OMDC maximizes opportunities for growth and innovation in Ontario and abroad.
Ontario’s cultural industries contribute over $6.7 billion annually to the economy and generate more than 36,000 highly skilled jobs.
In attendance were Ontario Minister of Culture and Responsibility for Seniors Aileen Carroll, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Michael Chan, OMDC CEO Karen Thorne-Stone and President Kevin Shea, CEMA Chair Madeline Ziniak and a large number of CEMA directors and members.
Minister Carroll presented Madeline with a message of congratulations from Ontario Premier Dalton Mc Guinty which read:
“On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am delighted to extend warm greetings to everyone celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Canadian Ethnic Media Association (CEMA).
“Canada boasts a wealth of languages and cultures. Fortunately, our country also boasts a strong and vibrant ethnic media dedicated to capturing and presenting the viewpoints, values and experiences of our diverse population.
“I offer my hearty congratulations to the talented professionals of CEMA on marking three decades of providing outstanding print and electronic journalism to the communities you serve — and to our nation as a whole. My colleagues and I, indeed all Ontarians, applaud the fine work you do in helping to ensure everyone in our province and our country is given a voice. Please accept my sincere best wishes for a memorable celebration — and much ongoing success.”